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Career Certificate Training Program


这个自定进度的在线数据分析师职业证书课程为您提供大学职业证书和知识, practical experience, 胜任高薪数据分析师工作的能力和信心.

Data Analysts are professionals who collect, process, 并对企业的海量信息进行分析,帮助他们做出更好更快的商业决策. 几乎所有的企业现在都达到了“数据过载”,需要数据分析师帮助他们理解大量的数据. According to Indeed Inc., there are currently more than 43,在美国,有5000个数据分析师的职位空缺, and data analysts can earn up to nearly $90,000 annually.

如果您正在寻求提高您的职业生涯或在高要求的职业中寻找新的职业,该计划适合您. 您将学习如何在数据分析中完成所有工作:从清理数据到以可视化形式呈现数据, 对数据进行定性和定量分析, interpreting data and making predictions.

所有感兴趣的学员应在入学前与入学专家联系,以完成入学评估. 这次面试有助于主题专家团队了解您的承诺, aspirations, and work habits to ensure success in the program.

Request For Intake Assessment

这个在线课程采用主动的、自定进度的、边做边学的培训. 这种创新的方法提供了简单的教训, 要求你在进入下一个模块之前,通过完成练习来展示你已经掌握了每个概念. 这种以能力为基础的方法建立知识和实践经验, 这两者都是获得数据分析师职位空缺资格所必需的.

这个培训项目大约需要360到400个实践小时. 你会被指派一个教练,他会为你准备一个个性化的路线图和训练时间表, 然后在整个培训期间与你一起工作. 因为你的训练是自定节奏的,根据你的时间表进行个性化的训练, 你可以和你的教练建立一个一致的训练计划,而不会干扰你的工作和家庭承诺.

成功完成课程的学员将获得和记棋牌娱乐颁发的结业证书, a digital badge of achievement, 然后带着展示能力和获得职位所需的专业作品集离开.

You may qualify for grant funding or financing. Check out your options below.

  • WIOA -如果你失业或者你的家庭收入低于联邦贫困线的250%, then you may qualify for WIOA funds. Contact your local Missouri Job Center to see if you qualify.
  • KC Scholars, Great Jobs KC – If you currently make less than $45,000 a year AND you live in one of the following 6 counties – (Kansas: Johnson and Wyandotte Counties; Missouri: Cass, Clay, Jackson and Platte Counties), you may qualify for KC Scholars. Visit KC Scholars 了解更多信息或申请这个机会.
  • Sallie Mae Financing – Coming soon!


Program Pre-requisites


参加这个项目需要一台个人电脑, high-speed internet access and an email address.

Contact an intake specialist 来回答你关于这个项目的所有问题.

Program Components

首先,考虑到数据分析师广泛使用数字,您必须了解一些数学知识. If, in consultation with your coach, 这是确定的,你需要一个基本的中学水平的数学复习, our free optional Workplace Math 课程提供动手复习和练习,使您跟上速度. After completing this course, 你已经准备好参加ACT应用数学考试了, which is highly valued by employers.

Data Analyst training begins with SQL Fundamentals, where you will learn about data and databases, 重点是关系数据库管理系统(rdbms), 在几乎所有行业和组织中都使用哪些工具来存储有关员工的数据, products, services, inventory, financial transactions, etc. You will learn how a RDBMS works, how to make basic queries, use aggregate functions, create and manage tables, and how to use basic joins.

You then take Advanced SQL 在哪里可以了解到更多关于大型rdbms的信息, 复杂和混乱(它们通常包含损坏和/或不完整的数据). To successfully handle such databases, training continues with this course, which teaches you how to use conditional expressions; work with text, including search-and-replace operations, formulate subqueries and advanced joins; and how to use SQL functions.

你将继续你的数据分析师培训 Data Literacy course, in which you learn all about:

  • Data sources
  • Data types
  • Data relationships
  • Data structures
  • Sorting, filtering and grouping, data and
  • Other fundamental techniques of Data Analytics.

您将学习基本和高级电子表格操作, including data visualization and analytics, using Google Sheets and Google Data Studio. 您将学习如何创建交互式仪表板和报告. You also learn the fundamentals of data mining, statistical methods, data analysis, and data visualization. 最后,您将了解数据治理、质量和控制. Upon completing this training, you understand how data is acquired, stored, manipulated, analyzed, and used to make better business decisions.

This training is followed by a Capstone Project, 在这里,你可以运用你所学到的所有技能,并适应你第一份工作的工作环境. 在你的简历和你的数据分析师职业证书中完成的项目将向潜在雇主展示你拥有他们正在寻找的技能和经验.

An optional CompTIA Data+ Prep Course prepares you for the CompTIA's Data+ exam, an industry-recognized certification, which adds a significant weight to your resume. 和记棋牌娱乐鼓励你在开始做顶点项目之前参加考试.



根据课程注册日期,前30天可获得全额退款. 如果学员在注册之日起90天内完成了少于25%的培训, then a pro-rated amount will be refunded. Beyond 90 days, no refund will be issued. Beyond 25% completion, no refund will be issued.